Welcome to CrayonDAOO

Degen Artists Organized On-Chain

What is the CrayonDAOO?

We've pivoted. A Gig Marketplace needs funding to build and scale. We're cultivating a small tight-knit community of diamond-handed holders who share our values. We like Art and DeFi. Now that I've established that we've pivoted to a group of Crayon-Eating degen artists and collectors who instead of doing an honest day's work prefer to peddle JPEGs and tokens on the internet, let's talk about why.

It's simple. Airdrop season changed us. Plus, the people want less JPEGs.

Nonetheless, we're minting an NFT collection. Aptly named, Pigments, we'll be taking Color Psychology and Theory to another level by sprinkling in a little DeFi to see how people trade and meme with easily relatable symbols of creative expression and wax – plus our "Quadratic Token System".

We're looking for those sweet, sweet partnerships

We roll about 250 NFTs deep so we only need a small allocation. :)

Last updated