🚀Defi-ing Gravity w/Pigments

Injecting DeFi Hybrid token models into small-size art collections on Solana

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Executive Summary

Pigments, the Official NFT collection of the CrayonDAOO brand, was brought to life through the collaborative effort of CrayHans and Kaan Tapucu and represents a groundbreaking venture into the fusion of art, blockchain technology, and community engagement.

Using the innovative SPL22 token standard on the Solana blockchain, Pigments transcends traditional NFT boundaries by offering both uniqueness and liquidity. This whitepaper outlines the project's vision, its implementation using SPL22, tokenomics, community benefits, and strategic plans for growth and engagement. But first, let’s paint a picture.

About Pigments

Spawned from dark magic cast on wax and color pigment, these animated creatures boast unique personality traits and expressions, echoing the essence of their creators, the Crayon Farmers. The interaction between a Crayon Farmer NFT and Pigments paves the way for intriguing possibilities, emphasizing the project's focus on community engagement and creative exploration.

WAX, HUE, TINT, and SHADE (Quadratic-token model)

In the realm of digital art and NFTs, the need for a model that marries the “stickiness” and distinctiveness of NFTs with the fluidity and accessibility of fungible tokens has become increasingly apparent. The Pigments NFT, through its quadratic-token model (WAX, HUE, TINT, and SHADE), aims to address this by offering a dynamic ecosystem where technology and art, give an in-depth look into the effects of color theory on market participants.

We all have… Unique relationships with color from the moment we open our eyes and see light. An Artist sees Red as a weapon. A Trader, a wound. It will be interesting to see how communities form connections with each Hue. It will be even more interesting to see which tokens get the most attention and volume. Will memes lead the charge or the utility we’ll be adding along the way? But first, what does any of this solve if anything?

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