💦Imperium of Rain DAO

Degenerate Trash Pandas

To vote for our proposal for a $RAIN Grant from the Imperium of RAIN DAO please visit Realms DAO here. You'll need a Degen Trash Panda in your wallet to cast a vote. 1 DTP = 1 Vote.

What is the Imperium of Rain DAO?

The Imperium of Rain DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization of Degenerate Trash panda Holders. Every DTP equals 1 vote. With a supply of 20,000, a ton of effort will need to be done to organize and market the DTP brand and the Raindrop Protocol features.

The Imperium of Rain DAO is given a 51% majority of the total 10.1Bn $RAIN tokens. In the case of granting $RAIN tokens to gaming and blockchain companies tokens can only be moved to a new wallet in the event of a successful vote on a DAO proposal.

The current Yes vote threshold is 1000 votes.

Who's in command?

If you hold a Degenerate Trash Panda, you are! You get to vote Yes or No to projects like the CrayonDAOO and any other like it asking to use the $RAIN token.

On the next page, I'll be going over my proposal for an allocation of 36.9 million $RAIN tokens to develop a gig marketplace where Creators could earn verifiable influence on-chain by completing paid projects, leveling up, and earning $RAIN.

We think the process of creating art, organizing community events, and completing marketing and design tasks create the perfect opportunity to reward community engagement.

Remember: The Imperium of Rain DAO controls 51% of the total 10.1B $RAIN tokens.

Last updated